Starfish Finance expresses its deepest concern and solidarity with the victims of the recent earthquake in Morocco.

09 Sep 2023, 14:54
Starfish Finance expresses its deepest concern and solidarity with the victims of the recent earthquake in Morocco. We extend our condolences to the families of the deceased and to all Moroccan people. Likewise, we wish the injured a speedy recovery and transmit all of our strength and affection. تعرب شركة Starfish Finance عن قلقها العميق وتضامنها مع ضحايا الزلزال الأخير الذي ضرب المغرب. تعازينا لعائلة الفقيد ولجميع الشعب المغربي. كما نتمنى الشفاء العاجل للجرحى، وننقل لهم كل قوتنا ومحبتنا.